Two weeks ago I was at the DMV renewing my drivers license. In the waiting area was a young man in army fatigues. I had been sitting there for about ten minutes when I saw an older gentleman approach the soldier. I heard him say "Thank you for your service." I did not hear the reply but saw them shake hands. I sat there and wondered how often strangers came up to him and thanked him. I'm thinking not often enough. So I guess this blog is my thank you. Thank you for all that have served or are serving in our armed forces. Your sacrifices do not go unnoticed. Your country is proud of what you are doing and we would not be here if it were not for men and woman such as yourselves. Keep up the good work. America needs you.
linking to Jenny Matlock
I think you are right about that!~Ames
Thank you for this. My son served from 2004-2010 and was Iraq all of 2006. It makes me very happy to visualize people thanking him. Visiting from Jenny Matlock.
It's sad that anyone should have to serve in any army, but soldiers do have the power to do much that is good.
Thanks to them indeed! Great post:-)
Awww, Becky, this was really sweet. It almost made me teary. I think we all need to do our part...both to thank these brave people and to help all of the brave people we have suffering at home!
Thanks for a terrific link.
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