The first day, Ryker did not take a nap until 3:00 Normally his naptime is 1:00-3:00. He slept until almost 5. As a result he did not go to sleep that night until 11. His bedtime is normally 8:30 He shares a room with Robbie and would not stay in his bed. I must have put him back in that bed 15 times. I finally gave up and rocked him to sleep.
Yesterday was day 2 of the big boy bed and no nap at all. He was so overtired, every little thing set him off. I tried laying him down at 7 with no luck. By 8:30 he had fallen asleep on the floor of his bedroom and when Robbie went to bed, he woke Ryker up. I tried nursing Ryker and rocking him and he went to sleep at 10 p.m.
Today we had an appointment and I woke him up at 7:30 Talk about a grouch! Around 10 a.m. he was getting fussy so I nursed him and he fell asleep. Right now it is 12:30 and I hear him playing in his room. I'm not sure how tonight is going to be. Anyone with suggestions on how to keep him in his bed?
linking to Jenny Matlock

Oh my! A similar thing happened when we converted to daybed. This sounds totally ridiculous, but I got one of those bed rails like you put on a twin to keep them from rolling off and put it on the crib. It left a small opening for him to be able to climb out, but kept him in there for some reason??
Nice V :)
My grandson went through the same problem. The bed rail helped a lot as the prior person commented. Also my daughter-in-law put doorknob child proofers on his room doorknob so he can't open the door and come out of his room. A bedtime routine helps .. he had a quick bath, a couple of books are read to him, a favorite blankie and a "glow worm' that plays music are put in the bed. That usually soothes him and he will get drowsy and fall asleep. Good luck!
You poor thing. My daughter is dealing with a fussy little one too. There is a light at the end of the tunnel and No it's not a train!~Ames
The bedtime routine worked best for us. It took a few days to get into the rhythm but after Princess got used to it, she would be askleep before I finished the story I was reading her.
I have no idea how to keep him from getting out all the time. Good luck!
It is so exhausting to get little ones to embrace a new routine!
I hope it's going better, Miss Becky.
I hope you find a new rhythm soon for all of you!
Hugs and naps!
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