In the past 5 years I have had about 4 x rays taken. Two of them were dental x rays. (Can you tell I don't go to the dentist as often as I should) The other two were for my back and foot.
Back in 2007, I lifted a child up the wrong way at the childcare I was working at and pulled something in my back. To make matters worse, it was winter time and I slipped on some black ice at my house. After 3 days in pain, I went to my family doctor. He ordered some x rays. The technician forgot to ask me about any piercings and my belly ring ruined the first set of x rays. So I had to get them redone. Luckily they showed nothing and I was prescribed muscle relaxers and pain medicine and sent on my merry way.
The next time I got an x ray taken was the summer of 2008. I was jumping on a trampoline and attempted to do a flip. I landed wrong on my ankle and heard a sickening crack. I couldn't walk. I thought for sure I broke my ankle. I iced it and went to the doctor two days later. Again nothing was broken but no medication this time.
Now when picking up a child, I make sure to lift with my knees and no more back flips on the trampoline.
Linking up to Jenny Matlock

I have wires in my chest from open heart surgery when I was 46 and I always have to let the technician know that! (I know you're wondering--I was slender, fit, walked, biked, played golf, but got my mother's bad genes!!)
I think in our mind we are younger than our body. Too bad the two can't work together. :)~Ames
X-rays can be a very helpful thing. I often pass the building where they were invented. I'm glad everything turned out ok for you!
Such an interesting ‘X’ post and blog!
And thanks too for stopping by.
Have a great weekend & look forward to *seeing* you again next time,
Great X post! My first xray was of my foot because I stepped on a needle and it went all the way up into my foot! YIKES!!!
Oh no....trampolines do have a bad reputation for causing one to have to have an X-ray. Cute pic!
back flips on the trampoline? wish I could do that!
have a sweet day.
Ouch! Be sure to take good care of yourself.
Thanks for having left a comment on my blog now and then -- so very much appreciated! How nice to know that you also almost wrote a post on "Tangled" -- great minds think alike!
Maybe you want to check out my Oktoberfest giveaway . It would be nice to welcome you back to my blog.
Greetings from Munich, Germany,
I seem to "need" x-rays every time I go to the dentist.
I'm glad the X-Rays never show anything serious. I love the picture.. LOL!
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